A Spooner House Fundraiser: Spiritual Readings & Tarot Cards

***Final Night – Friday, October 4th*** We have partnered with three Spiritual Organizations – Go Beyond the Gates, Kindred Spirits and Silver Moon Tarot – to offer tarot card readings at the Spooner House Museum (27 North Street) on select Fridays in 2024. Proceeds will benefit the preservation of our historic Spooner House Museum. Join us, in the spirit of fun, to gain insight into the past, present or future and to support PAS.

Readings will be offered at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm and each hour is limited to 6 people. After you choose and purchase your hour, you will be notified of the exact time of your individual 10 minute reading. You are invited to a mini-tour of the Spooner House and to explore the backyard garden before or after your reading. Please be aware that this event requires climbing stairs. 

Tickets are $55 per person ($5 discount for PAS members with code). Space is limited and tickets must be purchased in advance. No refunds. To purchase tickets online, click here.

Please note that members may purchase an unlimited number of tickets. However, the member discount will only apply to 1 ticket if you have an individual membership; 4 tickets if you have a family membership; and 10 tickets if you have a life membership. Contact info@plymouthantiquarian.org for the membership discount code.

To learn more about joining the Plymouth Antiquarian Society, click here.

If you would prefer to purchase tickets via the phone, please call the office at 508-746-0012. If you have any questions please email info@plymouthantiquarian.org.

Thank you for your support!