Local Seen/PACTV Spotlights Historical Clothing Conservation Project

We are grateful to The Local Seen/PACTV for producing a wonderful segment on our Historical Clothing and Textiles Conservation Project. This feature highlights the significance of our remarkable historic clothing collection and the critical work being done to preserve it for future generations.The segment includes informative interviews with textile conservators Katy O’Donnell and Renee Walker-Tuttle, PAS Executive Director Patrick Browne, and PAS President Andrea Daly. Together, they provide an in-depth look at the project’s goals, challenges, and the exciting path forward.

We’ve included a snippet here, but invite you to watch the full segment and learn more about this transformative initiative by visiting the following link: https://youtu.be/7J3AInaEWnk. Thank you to The Local Seen/PACTV for helping us share the story of this important project with the community!

Watch the full Local Seen segment at https://youtu.be/7J3AInaEWnk