Burial Hill Tour: Mister Davis’s Neighborhood

Dr. Donna Curtin, Executive Director of Pilgrim Hall Museum, shares neighborhood memories and lore recorded over a century ago by octogenarian William T. Davis, a native Plymouthean and remarkable local memoirist. This one-hour tour begins at the very top of Burial Hill.

Launched independently in 2011 by the Plymouth Antiquarian Society, the Burial Hill series is now a collaborative program with the Pilgrim Society & Pilgrim Hall Museum. Join us every first Saturday of the month (excepting January) through 2020 for an engaging series of free history tours of Plymouth’s ancient burying ground, led by local historians and guides.

No reservations required for individuals and families. Involves strenuous walking on steep hillside. Severe weather may cancel tour; check our Facebook pages and websites for updates.

Admission: FREE